Thursday, December 4, 2008

Finals week with savannah to look forward to

The last week has been hectic!! It is the week before finals. Now, in most school this is known as dead week. Meaning that there would be no home work and lectures in class are limited, so to mentally prepare yourself for classes. Not in my wonderful community college.
Aside from the finals I have next week, I had a six page paper, a ten minute speech, and a test to rewrite. Now why did I leave it all till the night before you might ask? Good question.
Anyway luckily (well not luckily I guess because three of my patients have died in the last few days) my work has been slow. So naturally I took my computer and hid behind a chair and finished my speech, which i delivered today and was pleasently surprised with a B (i don't do public speaking, not my favorite).
Then Melissa came over, we got ready by having a big thai dinner and set in for the long haul. Two papers and two redone tests (a complete miracle that we were able to retake them and even bring them home!) some ice cream, and a little wine later we were done!
this morning went by smoothly and sure enough I don't have anything left till tues when I have two finals and I am out!
This winter I had full intentions of going back to school once more, however then I realized oh my! my neice will be born right in the middle of the semester! what is the answer to that delima? Not just wait for the weekend after she is born and go see her. that is just silly! instead I will not be going back (just winter term) and instead I will taking off for a month to phx to be with my sissy! I am planning on watching movies with kate, feeding her bon-bons, and just general taking care of her. I am so excited and I just bought my tickets yesterday!!
See you soon sister friend!

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