Friday, August 29, 2008

New job...New apt....getting married...just kidding

So this new job is going to be so so fun! I work swing so it is 3-11:30. There has been so much paper work, fingerprinting, just general running around to get my License work for Oregon, and training/orientation, that I am just ready to start loving on old people! Their days revolve around food mainly wich is great because that is how my life works as well. However I just have to deal with dinner (at 5 p.m.) and I get to take all the time I want. Stoping and talking with them, sitting down and really getting to know my clients is going to be my favorite part I can already tell.
Anyway, this place I am working at is amazing! It is were all the CEO's, presidents, and just general rich people of Portland retire. It is a 26 acre campus full of green and flowers and the nicest stuff I have ever seen. It is right on the river with great views from everywhere. There are about 5 main building and they all connect through sky bridges, so you never have to walk out in the rain if you don't want to. There are Japanese gardens, residents gardens, tree groves, pathways, the list just keeps going on and on. We took several tours yesterday and still I only know how to get to my "neighborhood" and back.
I work in Wisteria Neighborhood. (in my head I call is wisteria lane). You start at the manor or the plaza when you first move in to the community but as you age and need a bit more help you move into the neighborhoods.
Anyway I am so so thankful for this job. The residents never have to leave, there is a bank, restaurant, grocery store, clothing store, movies, library, etc. I love it!

Anyway the new apt. I am moving in with some girls I grew up with, Bailey and Olivia. They have another girl named Kaley living with them. Bailey and Kaley are sharing a room and Olivia and I would share. I am almost positive about this but we will see. I want to wait for Katie to come because I want as much time as possible with her and Savvy. Oh and ps I will probably be working so morning I get Kate! Back off! I am staking my territory now!! Love


Kate said...

Ah, there is plenty of me to go around. (Seriously, I am huge!)

Patty Stephens said...

I'm so excited for you with this job! moving out too, your growing up lady! You going to start paying your own cell phone bill now too!? :)

Michelle & Luke said...

Oh my gosh!! congrats kimmee!! that is so cool. also I love that you have a blog. i will probably find out all sorts of great things about you! love you!