Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wedding dress shopping, school, and work....

So Melissa (David's (my cousin) bride to be) is getting married!! We are having so much fun together doing wedding stuff and just hanging out. So on Sunday we went wedding dress shopping! I have never seen such a beautiful bride, and I have never seen a bride with such a huge entourage. There was grandmas, sisters, cousins, aunts, moms. It was so fun.
As far as work goes, it is getting better. I have learned just to do my job and keep my head down. I don't really talk at work unless I am speaking with a resident. During my breaks I go into the meditation room and read or do homework. I have decided to stay through Christmas going full time then switching to part time after December.
I have never really appreciated school before, but this semester I am really enjoying it. I think I just realize how much I prefer school to work. :) It is not the classes, because they are bio and speech, besides from math my worst subjects, but I enjoy them because I am doing well in them, and lets be honest who does not like something they are good at??


Kate said...

I am glad we finally got to talk! We are bad sisters!!!

Zarebski said...
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