Wednesday, October 1, 2008

new job....

hey so just an update about my job. it is really really hard. I am trying not to complain because once i get down every patients schedule it should get loads easier. but right now it seems like whatever i do i get yelled at, maybe not yelled but more of talked down at from the other cnas. I am being trained right now by two very very efficient women. they both came to america with the american dream and have had to work extremly hard for whatever they get. i am not that way and would prefer it to not get yelled at for throwing away the garbage before i do laundry. (this sequence of events does not matter wich way you do it). they say it is more efficient therefore i am wrong.
I just smile and say ok. trying to look docile and compliante but on the inside i want to scream i am not an idiot and yes i know how to place a pillow.
well i will get it soon and i am sure i will be so thankful by how hard they are pusing me, but right now i just want to sleep and not wake up for a few days.


I'm going to be a Ropp! said...

Want me to cut them?

Michelle & Luke said...

wow. i am scared by ash's response. Didn't know she had such violent tendencies? hang in there kim! Or just start making faces at them.

Kate & Matt Heihn said...

So...what is going on with your blog? Where are you?