Friday, April 10, 2009


so on tues i woke up and felt sick to my stomache...never good. then my dentist called and asked if i could come in (such a blessing because my insurance in over in a few days). So I was feeling really sick and when I got home my whole face was swollen from being drilled...and I had to go to work in a few hours...then not only moments later I started getting cramps and a headache....awsome.

anyway i could not be in more pain right? So what to do on such a seemingly terrible day?! call in sick and get a tattoo!


Patty Stephens said...

I love them!!!!!!

I'm going to be a Ropp! said...

lvoe love love it!

karenstephens said...

Your feet are blessed! When you are 85+ years old everyone will still love them.