Thursday, October 23, 2008

adventure or running away?

So I feel like I have made it clear the way I feel about my job. But that is just part of growing up right? Getting a job you don't love to make ends meet, just push through it. Many women in my work who have been working there for years have been living that mantra. Take it a day at a time. Just make it work. Well I say no flippen more!! What the heck? chances are you only have like what 85 maybe 90 years if you lucky (lets me honest the places i want to live probably not that long) I am not! I reapeat not! going to live like that.
I am so thankful for wise people in my life. I really really am. I think I would make way dumber decisions if not for them. I wanted to quit the first day, and they said not a good idea so I waited. They said it would get better and it did. They said God would teach me big stuff, and He did. They said I would feel proud of myslef, and I do.
So heres the deal, I don't think a month here or there matter. If I decide to keep this job till June thats fine, I can make it work.
But now I have other options, but would it be running away? This man who lives in both portland and phoenix has offered me a job to be his in home assistant (not sketch he has another one also) and the man I work I would work for travels quite frequently. I would be doing errands and a bit of just office things. It does not sound mundane in the least though. I would be making slightly less than I do now, but I think with far less work and he is willing to provide a car when in Pheonix and all travel and living expensis paid for, including anything I want like dental, health, gym membership.
I told him I would be able to start Dec 1st and that school does not get out till Dec 12th. Hmm...what do you guys think? I don't want to run away from something but I am ready to move on.


Patty Stephens said...

It sounds interesting.. but what was the point of going to school if your not going to use it?

Michelle & Luke said...

kimmee you HAVE to be a nurse!!!! it is so up your alley!

Kate said...

I tried calling you last night because I freaked out when I read this.