Tuesday, January 20, 2009

savannah update

so savannah is ok. i am sure there has been lots of emails and prayers sent out but I just wanted to get a little update out there so everyone can be assured that our newest addittion is safe and sound.
Well she is. Ok now that you know that she is ok....
savannah has a hole in her heart. This is very common the doctors say. The heart has four chambers and you can think of it as two sets. The set that is the concern are the bottom set. There is a wall between the two sets and that is where the hole is. It is a big enough hold to cause a heart murmer and maybe cause problems, but the really good news is that it is looking like it is already healing itself. The doctors are having the new family come in in six weeks, and until then get bi weekly updates from there pediatrition.
-her heart has not enlarged
- she has not lost more than the normal amount
- her breathing is not labored
and several other reason of why the doctors were not worried.
ok so worst case senerio is it does not heal itself is surgery. Which sounds scary. And it is except for how easy the doctor seemed it would be. In his words it would be "walk in the park". Very routine and very safe. now it would be open heart because her little body is to small any other way, but her doctor said afterwards everything would heal up and she would be ready for anything. when her nurse saw her she said she is going to grow up to be a little volleyball player (awsome!) ok keep her in her prayers and know that savannah joy is a trooper! (along with both of her very impressibly strong parents)


Tera said...

And her amazing awesome auntie:) Thanks for the update, we are all love Savannah so much.

Michelle & Luke said...

You are the best auntie ever!!! thanks for the update. Also- what a blessing that they have you down there right now!?!?! you're like the new parent survival kit :)love you!

Patty Stephens said...

Go Savannah.. Already healing herself. She is a super hero!