TIA (this is africa) happens to be one of my most favorite sayings while working here.
So far:
-I have attended a protocal/rapid response meeting where the first line of the meeting was what happens when we get a phone call that people suspect human trafficking (that's how you spell human tafficking :)) .....call the ngo? (non goverment organization) or do you call the saps? (south african police).....my suggestion was "why don't we call both?" they stared at me.....(white american 21 year old girl) and then stared at eachother....then were like "good idea". haha! i love my job!!
-attended a conference with lots of YWAM leaders
-met a lot of the street children around and get to continually love on them with smiles and high fives
-attempted surfing
-visited an amazing women named Angline, she is fighting HIV/AIDS and loosing with a small two year old daughter
-getting a passion to create deep community and trying how to figure out how
-meeting incredible people with a passion to do anything that serves God
-looking for a flat with my new (potential) flat mate, hopefully a place were we can entertain and bring about many successful parties!
-trying to find either a scooter or a car I can buy for transport (please pray)
-realizing I should have packed more coats (I moved to africa, who knew I would be freezing?!)
-trying really hard to avoid being proposed to
I love it here so much you guys! It is beautiful. I have a camera but I only have a few minutes I will try and put up more pictures later tonight. The internet here sucks...like bad so I am just going to write a few notes of here to people so I don't have to sit for an hour trying to open AOL.
Patricia- I would love for you and Jack to come!! I think it would be so much fun and I think you would really enjoy it. There is so much beauty and hard things to see that you absolutely have to come! Give me more details whenever possible. I love you cousin!
Katie B- I love texting you! That whole conversation made my week and I can not stop talking about how my amazing sister is getting to come and see all that we do. Lydia (my flatmate) and I are already planning a sister party for you!! And I found daddy a perfect room because of course you will be staying with me. Oh! and I had a prophecy spoke over me that totally was about you!! We will skype about it! love you sissy~!
Mama- I love you and miss you!! So I was at this prayer meeting last night and Myriam stopped it and was like I feel like we should pray you in more to the S-cape house (the restoration house) and so they did and lots of scriptures were given to me, and then one of the ladies told me "I just feel like God is telling me to be a mother to you, so I will be your south african mum" haha i told her i think that would make my mama very happy to hear that you offered that :)
Michelle- you are so amazing. I can't even begin. I don't think you would want me to make public all the reasons...or maybe you would ;) but just to let you know you and my dear brother have almost completely coverd my need for transport. Such such such a blessing! oh my goodness thank you sister! p.s. tell my brother i love him? and kiss my baby please.
everyone else,
you support is incredible and it has been crazy busy but as soon as i get a second to breathe i will write out a proper letter.
please keep sending the family and friend updates i love getting them!