Hey everyone, I know it's been awhile but I figured only really my sisters/cousins read this so it's a safe place to fill you guy's in on the "non" ministry stuff that is bound to happen, and I am going to need to share.... because let's be honest me in foreign countries that are not known for LOVING Americans, and not speaking a bit of the language is bound to come up with some good ones. Today I got lost in Hamburg, which was not a bad thing. Felicity only get's in tomorrow so I wandered around for something like 5 hours. Well along the way I found myself a sim card to put in my phone. I was told to wait 1/2 hour and it will work. This being Germany and the trains being exactly on time to the minute I was certain it would work out, what I did not put into the equation however was the fact that after it started working it needed to be activated, simple enough right? NOT WHEN IT IS IN GERMAN. So for the next several hours, and whenever the mood struck me I would pull out my phone stop an unsuspecting german stranger and ask in German "Do you speak English" if they shook there head I would just smile and keep walking if they said "yes" or more like "ya" then I then show them my phone and ask for help (they really are the nicest people, very friendly). Each time I thought it had worked something else in German popped up (I am sure it was all very efficient because that's just how they do everything here, but I was at a loss). Finally I arrived home and googled it, and using google translate was then and only then able to call my friend who I was supposed to have called hours before. Good solid second day I would say.
Love and miss you all!
ps this is a part that I was in today, it is massive and kind of creepy with all the statues