Monday, March 23, 2009

almost there....

three months and i am out...of a job! haha i am so excited! my favorite co-worker and i decided that we are going to quit the same day. we also decided that that gave us complete power. if we wanted we could be completely manupulative and say we are both quitting because of the same person...we had one in mind....and she would be toast!! muhahaha! (evil laugh) but then we decided that would probably not be very nice so we nixed they idea, but just knowing we had that kind of power has put a bounce in my step every since

Thursday, March 12, 2009

waiting for my brothers I love my brothers, I do. However timeliness is not their spiritual gift to be sure. I am waiting oh so patiently for them to arrive at my door step so we can get this show on the road!!

Today my two older brothers and I are going to go and visit my favorite older sister (in laws discluded in this list of favorites) and my favorite brother in law! And bonus!!! Savannah!! I was so excited to be there for the birth of Savannah and the week after, and when I came home I was so incredibly sad to have to leave that precious baby. I don't know how it is possible to love someone so much! Anyway since we made the plans to go I have been just picturing savannah how she was when she was born, my sister Katie blew my mind when she said "kimberly, you are not even going to recognize her!" what? what I will not recognize the child that I have known since she took her first breath? so sufficiet to say I am so excited to have a whole long trip with my big brothers (whom I adore) hug my sissy, to be beat up by my brother in law (it just happens there is no getting around it) and to hold my baby!! This weekend is such a huge blessing.

Oh and just a little note for the people who may not know or realize how co-dependant we (we being anyone is Sara Middlebrooks life) are of my mom.

So I am at work taking a little break talking to all the girls at my work, they were asking me what I was going to do with my weekend off, and why I took thursday off

I answered "Oh I am going to phx! I am so excited!"
Friends replied "oh what time are you leaving thursday?"
My answer" um I don't know I can not get a hold of my mom"
Ok so this would probably like the girls at work make you role your eyes, ask me how old I was, and tell me to grow up. Well just wait!

So then the question came up "well your brothers are going, why don't you ask them?"
"yeah" I relplied "I did, they could not get a hold of her either"

hmmm you might ask, what did She do to her children? Or maybe rather just those people need to grow up. But if you really need to ask those question than you don't know my mom. She is able to jugle 100 peoples life in her head and still take a nap every day from 2-3. I don't know how she does it....superwomen I think and I will feel no shame for letting my very capable mother run my social life!